On Page - Introduction to Page Landscape Blog

Introduction to “On Page Blog”

All gardens tell a story. But their stories can’t be told in words on a page. Because gardens speak to the senses. Theirs is a visual, tactile, fragrant language. Each day, a garden tells something new of nature’s wonders. With every season, its character form and reform in an intricate interplay of colors, textures and shapes. Our role is to weave a fresh plot with each garden we design.

Utilizing classic principles handed down by centuries of gardeners, we create a theme for each garden. To communicate drama. Or, perhaps, whimsy. Clever twists that pique the imagination.

Here on these blogs, we introduce a few of our beloved gardens, craftspeople, clients, friends and their stories. Our hope is to share their stories and ours. In doing so we hope you are inspired to re-visit your garden, and those around you, with new eyes.

Envision, if you can, the enchanting garden that lies just beyond these words…


Celebrating a Southern Garden: Ben Page at Brookside Farm